Donnerstag, 25. September 2014

Lippstadt Exhibition

My trees at the exhibition in Lippstadt, June 2014:

Horse chestnut tree, Aesculus hippocastanum.
Pot: Davy Jones, England

Silver birch, Betula pendula
Pot: Mateusz Grobelny, Poland

Left: Corkbark Japanese Elm, Zelkova nire
Pot: Mark Jones, England
Right: Trident Maple, Acer buergerianum
Pot: Herbert Lober, Austria

Carpinus orientalis Nr. 1

Oriental Hornbeam, Carpinus orientalis
This species is quite perfect for bonsai.
Yamadori from Croatia.
The two high roots have been cut off.
 Pot by Bryan Albright, England.

Pinus sylvestris Nr. 1

First pictures spring 2012.
See the progress that can be made with a pine in only three years.
This is because the tree was given lots of organic fertilizer and the new shoots were cut back in the summer, not in spring!
The lower branch is quite weak, I will try to compensate by cutting more in the crown next year.
Or I cut off that branch and wire down another one.
Pot by Herbert Lober, Austria.